Monday 9 November 2015

Tips Memilih Sofa

Terkadang saat Anda membeli sofa dan sesampainya dirumah, Anda masih merasa ada yang kurang, entah itu desain ataupun kualitasnya. Ini karean Anda membeli hanya melihat desainya saja tapi tidak dengan kebutuhan yang akan digunakan dengan tepat. Sofa sat ini memang menjadi pilihan umum di dalam rumah hunian, khususnya diruang tamu dan keluarga, furniture yang satu ini tidak hanya untuk alasan nilai estetis, fungsional, dan pengaruhnya terhadap ruang tapi juga faktor kenyamanan yang membuat sofa layak layak dibeli saat memilih sofa.

Kenyamanan dari sofa juga terdiru dari berbagai faktor, Anda wajib memepertimbangkan seberapa sering sofa nantinya akan diduduki dan kebiasaan” penghuni rumah. Tidak hanya itu saja, Anda juga perlu memikirikan luas ruang dan ukkuran sofa yang akan Anda pilih. Inilah beberapa tips untuk Anda yang ingin membeli sofa agar lebih memuaskan.

  • Luas ruangan

Sebelum Anda berencana membeli sofa, ada baiknya Anda mengukur terlebih dahulu luas ruangan yang akan ditempatkan sofa tersebut. Dengan mengetahui luas ruangan, akan memepermudah Anda untuk menentukan jenis sofa entah itu sectional sofa atau two seater.

  • Postur tubuh

Setelah mengukur luas ruangan, yang kedua adalah mencocokan postur tubuh atau lekuk tubuh dengan sofa tersebut. Hal ini bertujuan agar nantinya sofa tersebut semakin nyaman saat diduduki lama-lama dan nyaman untuk menghabiskan waktu santai. Untuk posisi duduk terbaik pastikan kaki tidak menggantung pada saat duduk di sofa tersebut, pinggul sampai bagian kepala dapa menempel di sandaran, dan bagian pinggul dapat menempel di dudukan.

  • Struktur sofa

Selanjutnya adalah memeriksa konstruksi dan struk sofa yang akan Anda gunakan, Ada baiknya Anda mencoba bertanya tentang bahan dan ekanisme pergerakan kursi. Karena hal ini nantinya akan berpengaruh pada tingkat kenyamanan saat mendudukinya .

  • Permukaan sofa

Yang terakhir adalah bagian permukaan luar dari sofa atau upholstery (pelapis sofa). Biasanya ada 2 jenis bahan yang biasa digunakan sebagai pelapis luar sofa yaitu kain dan kulit. Tentunya setiap bahan mempunyai kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing. Untuk bahan kain, jenis yang digunakan sebagai pelapis adalah beludru dan katun, material kain lebih mampu bertahan terhadap suhu namun juga mudah menyimpn debu. Untuk bagah kulit selain terlihat lebih mewah dan berkelas, bahan ini mempunyai kelemahan yaitu bisa retak jika mengalami perubahansuhu ekstrim.

Demikian tips cerdas dalam memilih sofa agar lebih memuaskan, semoga tips ini bermanfaat.

Monday 4 August 2014

Furniture Latest Innovations

In this post I want to just ramble about my idea that furniture tv table from Tong Iron.

Tv stand or tv table is commonly called the household furniture that arise due to the development of early forms of the tv was born until now. Tv, which first appeared image viewer is an electronic device that is inserted into a wooden table with 4 legs.

Compact form of tv ultimately more rampant. Hence the need for a tv table was also increased. The form of a portable tv then open new job opportunities for craftsmen table. Household furniture was only increasing.

Tv table shapes also undergone a transformation. From the shape is very simple, to the unique shape and has a variety of functions such as storage dvd player, sound system, etc..

This design is unique and latest designs that have never been there until I finish writing this post. This unique design I created because I followed the annual event "Innovative Work Students" at my college. While following the event I was not alone, but accompanied by a friend of my campus is Dedy Yusuf.P. We are Students of Civil Engineering Department of the Polytechnic of Malang.

Okay with it, here it is the appearance of furniture tv table which I render using VRay.

 or this one
 And this is the application into the room

What do you think ? Bad, good, or unique ?
Actually, we have many unique designs of furniture that we have not show that to you because we will showing one by one. 
You are the one who judge because your satisfaction is our satisfaction as well.
We are sorry if the language used is still not perfect. 

More info
Email :
Contact : +6287859862232 / +6287750001513
PIN : 7DB9D376

Greetings Successful !!


Sunday 3 August 2014

About Furniture

Hello guys !!

Now I will explain a little about the furniture.
What is furniture ?

furniture serves as a place to store goods, seating, beds, doing something in the form of a table or a place to put stuff on the surface. For example furniture as a storage place usually equipped with doors, drawers and shelves, examples wardrobe, bookcase etc.. Furniture can be made ​​of wood, bamboo, metal, plastic and so forth. Furniture as artistic products are usually made ​​of wood with a choice of beautiful colors and textures are done with a smooth final settlement. 

By far the Indonesian furniture furniture industry still has great prestige in world trade. In the event solo exhibition titled "Indonesia Pavilion" which lasts for 18 to 22 March, 2007 in Shenzhen - China, furniture from Indonesia are much in demand by international buyers. There are about 50 to 70 buyers have asked Indonesian entrepreneurs to become suppliers of furniture and kerajinanIndonesia with a transaction value of around $ 100 million. 

The government has also sought to develop the furniture industry. Moreover, this sector has been set by the government as one of the 10 leading commodity export country. This is supported both by the quality and design aspects of products in demand by foreign consumers, availability of raw materials and skilled human resources. 

Similarly, the share of the national market, the local furniture industry still accounts for 70% of domestic furniture market. But market share is threatened by imported furniture from China are growing at 200% per year in the past year. The increase in furniture imports from China that occur each year primarily for cheap furniture segment, for lower middle market. 

Okay, that's a little explanation about the furniture. 
See you back. 

Greetings successful !!